I’ve Been Thinking….

What about those radio ads for hospitals that say they focus on the human being and his comfort, that you were a human being before being a patient? Next they say the most important thing is to get the best possible medical care. A total logical disconnect, just words that sound good even if they are inconsistent.

When did they start putting advertising into cable TV movies? I will never forgive Volvo as a prime offender.

Why don’t our gubernatorial candidates tell us where they stand on the gambling referendum, or on passing a Massachusetts law banning noncompetition agreements like California? Why are they fighting over who loves children more?

When did television become standard in restaurants? Doesn’t the TV noise interfere with all the diners who are texting?

Why is it necessary in restaurants to purposely design the space to maximize noise, which is defined as energy and viewed as hip, young and modern? Where does an older American go these days for a peaceful meal? Maybe the idea is, “no problem, those guys can’t hear anything anyway.”

Now that the Turks are fighting the Kurds who are the only credible ground force opposing ISIL, and since our strategy is to drop bombs and leave the clearly required ground offensive to others, does this mean the President will have to commit US troops and, if so, will he do it before the election?

There are so many different factions fighting in the Mid-East that I have given up keeping track; my map of the area, in my den, has not been updated with small yellow stickies in weeks. Seems you need to know who is fighting whom on a tribe-by-tribe, or block-by-block basis. No wonder our government seems confused, we cannot even be saved by our Secretary of State’s sonorous voice.

Why do we have baseball playoffs, rewarding teams that get temporarily hot or have traded well on August 31, rather than having a single World Series between the two teams that put in the best hard work during the entire full six-month season?

Oh yeah; it’s the money….

Who else would like to seal our borders against Ebola, disbelieving this is not going to seriously mess with us? (No surprise: my test audience of two people who were exposed to this idea promised me that I was hopelessly naive to think this was possible.)  I can see a three part made-for-TV series: in episode one an outbreak in Africa spreads through the continent (sound familiar?); in episode two, the disease pops up in random places while governments, in an effort to maintain calm and in defiance of warnings from some, continue to reassure and counsel life as usual (sound familiar?); in episode three, the surviving 42 people in the world try to find each other to build a society (or at least mate and drink the remaining fine wine before it sours).

Did you ever notice in the apocalypse movies that the survivors represent a cross section of the world, different races, backgrounds, skill sets, age, degree of lawlessness? What if a genetic or random quirk defined the survivors and they all were of a single sort? All over 7 feet tall. All from Albania. Or all from Newark? Or all Kansas City Royals fans….

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