Business AI can be reflected in pubic advertising in any media or form, targeted email sent to selected individuals, telephone solicitations seeking customers with interactive AI conversations, images used to represent actual events or products? A previous post (“AI and … Continue reading
Category Archives: AI
Generative AI is now all over the press, given growing concerns of AI professionals and government, particularly now that the there has been time to think through various ramifications. It is not my purpose to aggregate what everyone else is … Continue reading
No, really. Well, sort of, according to today’s on-line New York Times. In “Terminator” the computer system “Skynet” became self-aware and decided humans were a nuisance so it started to eradicate them. This plot line about the risk of Generative … Continue reading
You are in business and you are sued. Why pay high lawyer rates? Go to Chatbox and hire a lawyer that is free (well, you are paying $20 a months for the Chatbox, but that is somewhat less than for … Continue reading
At the risk of over-posting, I cannot resist a post of several items current in the news which are just so fascinating and informative of the current state of AI activity.; *A suit has been filed in California, the land … Continue reading
It has been suggested that regulation of GAI by government will impair US national security because “China is ahead of us and will invent and distribute and in fact utilize better AI and hamstring US intelligence.” This argument seems far-fetched, … Continue reading
Do we need new laws to describe what GAI can and cannot do in the hands of businesses? Yes and no. Some laws affecting business apply to GAI-generated activity (ads; on-line experience and interface). Under the Federal Trade Commission rules … Continue reading
A program today at the Boston Bar Association started with a step backwards to try to educate lawyers (slow learners, all of us) about why Generative AI is different from “old” AI and reference to the hype that it is … Continue reading
It is not clear what boards of directors should be doing about AI. (The answer will be applicable to public companies with anticipated SEC and possible Stock Exchange promulgations and mandatory disclosures, but much the same conundrum will affect managers … Continue reading
Today’s Times reports that META has released its AI codes to the public so that anyone can use them as a base for creating chatboxes. The argument is that the technology works best if shared and that it is the … Continue reading