AI and Its Place in Social History

Two points here: pace of AI penetration and how to understand that penetration.

To get to 50 million users, the automobile took five decades.  Pokeman Go got there in a few days.  Other apps reached that number in a matter of weeks.  AI will be here in spades immediately, if not yesterday.  You cannot duck it.  Educational systems need to train for it, and I don’t mean just blocking term papers written by chatbox tech; the future of work and information is about to be permanently and radically transformed.  If schools lately have taught to the test, today they must teach to the AI future.

The AI transformation has been characterized as so powerful and disruptive that it will be comparable in impact of the Industrial Revolution.  Stop and think about that.  The Industrial Revolution for the following century, and in many ways still today, has caused massive human misery in social fabric, economics, human values, societal equity.  The fearful have a point to be cautious.  I fear that the closer analogy is to atomic energy: huge pluses, huge risks of a cataclysmic nature.

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