Governance Tip: Do not steal from your Non-profit

No big surprises about what gets non-profits into trouble with the Massachusetts Attorney General: it is not a good idea to steal, or for the board to govern so laxly that others can steal.

At Tuesday’s Boston breakfast panel presented by the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England, board experts and a representative of the Massachusetts AG’s office (which supervises public non-profits) discussed good governance for non-profit entities.

One theme was how to structure the board of directors most effectively. The larger the organization, the more likely that a board of directors will assume a strategic role; in smaller non-profits (there are 23,000 non-profits in Massachusetts), it is not uncommon to find board members actually doing the day-to-day work. But as organizations get larger, board members must understand that they are there to guide, and not “to do.”

One audience member asked (likely in light of the Harvard Endowment) what the role of the board might be in balancing between the size of an endowment and operational needs. While boards generally establish a spend rate of between 4.5% and 5.5% as prudent, one panelist urged recognition that an endowment was also a rainy day fund for dire circumstances. The panel avoided directly engaging the issue of systematic reduction of allegedly excessive endowments in order to support ongoing operations and reduce charges, tuitions, etc.

How much to pay your CEO? There are resources available to understand the marketplace, from consultants to the Federal 990 reports which provide compensation information in detail (posted on the Massachusetts AG’s website). No need to overpay. However, how can you compensate skilled executives, now moving from the for-profit arena into larger non-profits, who may be willing to work for less money but who have retirement needs which cannot be met (in a non-profit) by such things as stock options? The compensation to senior non-profit executives becomes very sensitive in social service non-profits, the clients of which are poorer people for whom “retirement benefits” are an unobtainable concept.

There was general consensus that large boards are unwieldy, that boards should have a robust committee system to do much of the work, and that financial heavy hitters on non-profit boards need to be invested in the mission but should not expect to have undue influence in how monies are spent just by reason of the size of their checks. If real control of expenditures is sought by a large donor, a restricted gift should be considered; imposing the will of heavy hitters on the operation of an organization through board pressure is not prudent management.

Revenge of the Bloody Sock….

About a half hour ago the SEC announced it has sued an agency of the State of Rhode Island and the firm of Wells Fargo, as well as several individuals, for fraud in the offering of $50M of bonds by the State to in turn fund 38 Studios in its development of Curt Schillings’ promised video game.  Seems that no one remembered to mention that Schilling had made clear that they needed $75M to finish the project; perhaps the $25M shortfall was not deemed material?

The action reflects growing SEC focus on governmental offerings; first, an attack on the financial links between underwriters and political contributions and, lately, substantive focus on the offerings themselves.


In ancillary cases, two individuals have settled related claims for (unadmitted) aiding and abetting the fraud, a financial advisor to the State settled a claim of failure to document services, and action continues against the State, Wells Fargo and another individual.

As if the State of Rhode Island hasn’t been through enough on this….

How to Not Understand the SEC about Finders

This morning, Mary Jo White (Chair of the SEC) addressed a meeting of the SEC Advisory Committee on Small and Emerging Companies and checklisted certain areas of SEC activity.  In reference to the issue of whether “finders and other intermediaries” in small business capital raises should be regulated, which the Staff “continues to review,”  there was NO mention of the deregulation of finders and intermediaries in the M&A area.

This notwithstanding over a decade of heated debate, proposed legislation, and Bar Association recommendations to deregulate M&A finders and brokers, or subject them to a so-called “Broker Dealer Lite” regimen.

Maybe White assumed the M&A issue was subsumed in her list.  Maybe she did not think the M&A issue is particular to small and emerging companies (which btw is incorrect).  Maybe….

In the immortal words of somebody: “go figure.”

Patent, Trademark Protection in China? Maybe so…..

Mainland China’s historic reputation of riding rough-shod over intellectual property rights seems, at least as to matters of form, something of the past. In a presentation to the Boston Bar Association on February 18th, a team of intellectual property attorneys from Beijing presented highlights of new Chinese intellectual property legislation designed to protect trademarks and patents.

Interesting particularly is the level of civil litigation relative to the enforcement of trademarks. While the definition of “infringement” differs somewhat from American practice, numerous cases (particularly clashes between American companies and indigenous trademark holders) seem vigorous and far-reaching.

On the patent front, particularly focusing on patent protection for biologics and pharmaceuticals, it seems (as here in the United States) that the skill of the draftsman of the patent application is essential, particularly since certain items of intellectual property are not generally thought to be patentable under Chinese law: methods for diagnosis, therapeutic methods, new dosage regimes. There also are differences with American practice, including a certain inflexibility for the introduction of critical data arising after the patent application has been filed. Also interesting is the timeline for the patent process; upon filing, you have 36 months to request an examination (of course most filers opt for shorter periods), and the average processing time thereafter to reach a decision is 21.8 months. There is a procedure for reexamination of denials, with the average reexamination period 12.5 months. There is also a method for challenging an existing patent, and the average processing time for invalidation requests is 6.6 months.

Finally, there is an accelerated patent process available for applications containing at least one allowable U.S. claim, the so-called PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway).

It may be too early to tell the net practical effect of current Mainland China patent practices, but in terms of both governmental structure and the organization and activity of the private patent bar, there is reason to hope for a robust system of protection in the future.

Directors in Private Companies: Best Practices

How do boards of directors function in larger, privately-held companies? The answer is: pretty much like boards of directors in publicly-held companies, according to a panel of directors convened February 9th in Boston by the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England Chapter.

Panelist came from a broad variety of companies: Mike Jeans sits on the board of the large Rhode Island insurer AMICA; Ralph Crowley is on the board (and is CEO) of Polar Beverages in Worcester; Ken Dreyer sits on the board of 225 year old King Arthur Flour in Vermont, a company owned by all its employees through an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) and also organized as a “benefits corporation” with charter obligations to assist the community; Debra Jackson, President of Cambridge College, chairs the governance committee of 198 year old Eastern Bank.

Some commonalities: each company has a robust board of directors a majority of which are “from the outside;” each has a disciplined methodology for adding new directors, and each in a different way attempts to fill particular needs (rather than just hiring “cronies”); each emphasizes formal board procedures including robust “board books” in advance of meetings and reasonably formalized structure for the conduct of meetings; each has a relatively sophisticated system of committees in support of the board.

Notwithstanding somewhat differing fiduciary obligations (King Arthur Flour has strong fiduciary duties to its ESOP as well as to the community, Eastern Bank dedicates 10% of earnings to its foundation, AMICA is responsible as a mutual company to its policyholders, Polar Beverages is still a family owned enterprise), everyone identified their primary obligation in the first instance as flowing to “the company.” If a company is strong, then the rest of the mission can follow.

Other interesting takeaways:

Private boards, as public boards, see a primary function in fixing strategy (management presents strategy and “management comes to the board to have their answers questioned”); for full board meetings, no one goes on the telephone, some companies simply do not allow it (occasionally practice at the committee level may vary); boards are built not only to provide independent input and not only to provide diversity of race, geography, age and the like, but also with a strategic view toward retirements and ongoing need for continuity.

One over-riding theme: public company best practices have substantially infiltrated the operations of all these companies, including with respect to director independence, committee structure, often a designation of a lead director to provide guidance to the board and liaison to management, and in one instance the guidance of counsel to conform governance to listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange.

Clearly, larger private companies are being managed to a high level of professionalism, and directors in these companies attribute robust economic results to that practice.

Growth by Failed Acquisition

Citrix has grown to a $3 billion company driven by approximately fifty acquisitions over the past decade since it went public, enjoying a comfortable 14% CAGR. Why did their senior vice president tell the January 14th Boston breakfast meeting of the Association for Capital Growth that “a significant number of acquisitions have failed from a financial, strategic and talent prospective”?

The answer, according to Tony Gomes (who is also chief legal compliance officer and secretary of Citrix) is that only a few succeeded, but these few were critical. He also noted that, with some assistance from activist investors (with whom Citrix rapidly reached accommodation in order to improve company operations), Citrix is taking a “pause” to focus on its strategic core businesses and providing best service to its customers, while undertaking a couple of spin-offs of ancillary businesses.

What do you do if an acquisition does not live up to expectations? One approach is to use the acquired management and technology team to change direction. Another is to divest quickly, not deterred by loss of sunk costs; the strategic considerations for divestiture trump the pricing.

How does Citrix approach the integration of its numerous acquired companies, which by definition are smaller and perhaps more entrepreneurial? There are two possible approaches: first, you make sure the team stays together by insisting upon three year retention agreements bolstered by financial incentives. Second, for a while Citrix sometimes simply does not integrate the acquisition, leaving it as a free standing operation (particularly for a period necessary to refine a particular product).

Additional take-aways included: it takes five years of further investment in order to successfully build out an acquisition until it scales; as part of due diligence, an acquiror should determine if its own sales force believes that it can sell the “new thing,” the acid test for which is asking whether your sales team is willing to be subject to a “quota”; activist shareholding is the new normal, and SEC prohibitions limiting communications with shareholders get in the way of company’s being able effectively to deal with shareholders.

I asked Gomes whether “taking a pause” without acquisitions was a tolerable strategy for Citrix, which operates in a fast-moving tech market segment. The answer, with a smile, was: this is just a pause, we need a strategic approach to continued growth and that is likely going to lead ultimately to more acquisitions.

Meanwhile, going from less than $10 million of revenue at IPO to over $3 billion of annual revenue based upon a less-than-perfect acquisition strategy doesn’t seem like bad historical performance.

Trending Board Governance Topics

Moving into the proxy season, what are the hottest board topics this year? Disclosure of corporate political contributions, the impact of enhanced SEC disclosure requirements on executive compensation, heightened audit committee responsibility, and board responsiveness to socially motivated activist shareholders, according to an expert panel convened January 12th  by the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England Chapter.

Additional discussion included speculation as to the impact on board governance of the growing number of foreign shareholders (about 15% of all United States equities are now held overseas), and foreign countries have different ideas, including about proxy access [it is normal and why is there resistance?], boardroom diversity [many foreign countries have statutes fixing quotas for female board members], and a greater focus on macro societal issues [impact of overseas reincorporation, breaking up big banks, political contributions].

The panel was critical of proposed SEC regulations attempting to prescribe disclosure of the relationship between corporate performance and executive compensation. The SEC proposals rest on total shareholder return as the metric against which performance pay should be evaluated, and TSR is not appropriate for all companies.

Audit committees will be under increasing pressure to supervise auditors to ensure “audit quality.” This involves making sure that the team of accountants has the requisite time, experience and industry knowledge. There will be increased pressure also on the quality of critical accounting estimates such as fair value, pension liability, loss contingencies and asset impairment. Further down the road, in 2019, revised treatment of long-term leasehold obligations will have substantial impact on balance sheet presentation.

Socially active shareholders last year created pressure on disclosure of corporate political spending, environmental and climate change matters, deforestation, renewable energy, board gender diversity, and perhaps most importantly opening proxy access (minority shareholders having access to the corporate proxy mechanisms for soliciting board vote proxies). These pressures will continue.

Long-term trend? A changing view of the role of the corporation in society, driven by data (for example, data demonstrates higher profitability for gender diverse boards), and demographics, as women and millennial investors seem more interested in corporate social responsibility than traditional investors.

2016: Year of Anomalies?

I generally avoid politics; people have their own views and do not need mine.  I try to stick to things I know a little about: law and occasionally the Boston Red Sox.  (I do better on predicting the former.)

But the name of this site is “Law and Other Anomalies” and the way 2016 is starting out, I cannot resist pointing out a few things that are, well, strange; and we are only five days into the new year.

Do you not find it anomalous that:

One of our staunchest allies in the Mid East, Saudi Arabia, executed 47 people at one time?

When Iranians protested against the execution of a Shiite cleric among the 47, the picture of the protest appearing on the front page of the Wall Street Journal showed the crowd burning the flags of the United States and of Israel, not Saudi Arabia?

When incredibly heightened tensions in the Mid-East must suggest a risk to the supply of crude, the barrel price of oil responded by falling?

Bill Clinton in yesterday’s stump speech in New Hampshire emphasized his support for Hillary by constant reference to his intimate knowledge of Hillary based on his 40 year marriage and their close relationship?

That Democratic Representative Richard Neal, from the Massachusetts Congressional district which houses his largest campaign donor Mass Mutual, would claim that his sponsorship of a bill to lighten regulation on that company’s business (in opposition to the position of his own party’s administration) was merely coincidental?

That Paul Ryan is leading the House, as it reconvenes, to again vote to terminate Obamacare in order to live up to his party’s pledge to its base?

And finally, per headline on page A8 of today’s Boston Globe, “GOP Presidential Hopefuls Poised to Get More Combative”?  (I always love speculation about some development that appears logically impossible.)

Happy New Year to all…..

Accredited Investor: New SEC standard coming?

Last week the SEC issued a staff report seeking reaction to proposed amendments to the definition of an “accredited investor.”

Regulation D is the most relied-upon exemption from SEC (and typically State) registration requirements for the sale of securities, and Reg D relies primarily upon one definition: that of “accredited investor.”  For individuals that means you and spouse have a net worth of $1M or earn $200K (combined $300K)/year.

Possible amendments: limit investments per issuer to a percentage of income or net worth (borrowed concept from new crowd funding rule?); adjusting thresholds for inflation, once or ongoing by indexing; expanding the spousal pooling to cover all marriage/civil union arrangements; grandfathering existing investors who today qualify; setting an additional standard for experienced investors or certain professionals.

The financial standards now in effect date to the Reg’s adoption (although a few years back an amendment excluded primary residence equity as part of the net worth calculation), so marking the financial triggers to market makes some sense; we have not been subject to great inflation of late, but it has been many years and with the Fed now advancing interest rates some greater inflation is reasonable to anticipate.  Capping investment per issuer is more problematical; is it prudence (albeit externally enforced), or meddling in personal decisions (someone is rich enough to invest in speculation but the government will tell you just how much).

Most intriguing is establishing an alternate approach: you may not be rich, but you are pretty smart based on experience or professional credentials so, go for it!  This is a faint echo of the law prior to Reg D, when the registration exemption under Section 4(2) of the ’33 Act was defined under common law and where courts would sometimes consider both how rich and how smart an investor was in order to avoid declaring an offering as needing registration.  Problem in those days was: we never knew how rich OR how smart you had to be, and whether being sophisticated trumped near-poverty.

Corporate Political Spending and the SEC

The SEC has been entertaining, for several years, a rule requiring reporting companies to disclose political contributions.  Yesterday, a compromise budget bill was announced by Speaker Ryan which includes a rider barring the SEC from finalizing, issuing or implementing any action regarding political contribution disclosure.

The general understanding of the proposed SEC action (a rule was first proposed in 2011) was that it was in response to the Supreme Court decision in 2010 (Citizens United) which removed any cap on corporate campaign spending.  That removal is credited with giving rise to Super-PACs.  The proposed SEC Rule, which would be nixed by the budget rider if finally enacted by Congress and signed by the President, drew wide support, including 1.2 million letters from the public, but was staunchly opposed by many Republican lawmakers and by the Chamber of Commerce.

Often overlooked in public discussion is the appropriate SEC role in disclosure.  Corporate management, with and sometimes without specific Board oversight, is spending other people’s money when making a political contribution.  The extent to which that expenditure is sufficiently linked to appropriate corporate purpose is difficult to assess, of course, but it can be argued logically that contributions (at least above a modest trigger amount) are appropriate for disclosure to shareholders.

The House yesterday passed the bill.  Our country’s money runs out December 22; during the next five days, the future of corporate campaign disclosure requirements will be resolved one way or the other.