The SEC has mandated public companies to vote at least every three years on executive comp; shareholders must take a nonbinding (advisory) vote on whether they approve comp levels and golden parachutes. The idea is, no doubt, to pressure the board … Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
What’s wrong with the economy? Why is the US in such a sorry state? Why don’t banks lend more freely? What is the prognosis? These matters, as well as principles of corporate governance, were explored at this morning’s meeting of … Continue reading
Below is a link to my July article for InHouse, the newspaper for in-house attorneys. It discusses the US Supreme Court view on bringing securities law class actions, with an interesting sidelight on how the SEC proposes to clamp down … Continue reading
This seems a point in history when we are focused on the role of money in politics as never before. The floodgates of corporate money were opened in 2010 when the US Supreme Court in the Citizens United case held that … Continue reading
A brief article in the recent press reports that George Soros will convert his $25B hedge fund into a family office to avoid newly enacted SEC regulations affecting hedge fund advisers. There are reports that many other hedge fund managers are considering … Continue reading
When the Rocket testified a couple of years ago before the House Committee on Governance, in-person observers were suspicious of his credibility. Boston fans were suspicious before that; after four very mediocre years at the end of his Sox career, … Continue reading