The current Administration of course is suspicious of government regulation. The Acting SEC Chair, Michael Piwowar, a conservative Republican who has been on the Commission for a long time, has suggested that the SEC may further deregulate crowd funding to facilitate … Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
As a company progresses from early stage through growth to some sort of an exit (acquisition, IPO), the role of the Board must change so as to provide requisite skill sets to match the needs for these different company stages. … Continue reading
In the current state of lack of clarity as to where proposed deregulation by the new US administration may lead us, certain significant current aspects of executive compensation practices typical of larger enterprises may be subject to radical change. Such changes … Continue reading
Just over the internet, via SEC Release: Conservative SEC member Piwowar, acting chair, has solicited input on compliance problems being faced by reporting companies in meeting the disclosure requirement, starting with respect to this year, of the ratio between CEO … Continue reading
Directors must increase shareholder value. That is the law in almost all instances; the variables are timing and selection of method. Activist shareholders are likely to be the major watchdog over adherence to this obligation. Trump pushes for domestic siting … Continue reading
It is common knowledge that in the delivery of healthcare most professionals believe that the trend will be away from “fee for service” and towards “fee for performance,” which means that providers will be paid to treat an entire population … Continue reading
Each year, the SEC issues a Press Release signaling its enforcement agenda for the coming year. Although this year’s Release, issued today, likely does not reflect an agenda specifically approved by the incoming administration, it no doubt reflects the intention of … Continue reading
What should corporate directors be worried about as they prepare for the New Year and the upcoming proxy season? First, a post-election revisiting to prior strategic planning based upon a reassessment of economic and political assumptions, including impact of trade and tariff … Continue reading
The SEC Rule requiring disclosure of the ratio of the compensation of the CEO to the median salary paid the company’s other employees was slow in coming; the law demanding such a Rule was a Congressional response to public pressure … Continue reading
On December 5, the Delaware Supreme Court decided that certain directors of successful on-line gaming company Zynga were not “independent” as a matter of Delaware law, and thus were not eligible to approve a transaction which benefited the majority stockholder … Continue reading