So your company has been accused of committing a fraud, or of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. You have attracted investigation by the US Department of Justice. You are negotiating whether to enter a plea, or to try to … Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
The new Tax Code contains many unclear or recently highlighted provisions, but here’s one that caught me by surprise: in an apparent effort to make sure that foreign partners in partnerships that do business in the US pay their US … Continue reading
Okay, all the publicity is about crypto-currency, its volatility, its hack-ability ($530M lost yesterday), its potential for fraud (SEC action announced today against a so-called “bank” permitting trades in 700 crypto-coins, or so they said). While all this is going … Continue reading
When you leave your executive position, you are often asked to sign a “standard” severance document which reminds you of restrictions binding upon you, and addresses your entitlements upon leaving employ. Sometimes, the form of this document is set forth … Continue reading
Everything from the new Tax Act to the”#Metoo” movement to changes in compensation for public companies to the rapidly developing focus on sustainability will create new and significant agenda items in 2018 for corporate boards and their committees. An expert … Continue reading
This third and last post, based on noteworthy Delaware Court decisions during 2017 which I had not addressed in posts during the year, engages the seemingly technical question of what if any duties does a general partner owe to limited … Continue reading
We all are aware of the fragility of start-up enterprises. What happens if a couple of people decide to give up their joint dream; can one of them take the opportunity for himself/herself? This summer, a Delaware Chancery Court case … Continue reading
Caremark is a notable Delaware Court decision establishing the principle that, while corporate directors are protected from suit based on errors made in good faith and without self-interest, directors nonetheless can be liable if they simply ignore significant corporate matters … Continue reading
Today’s news brings word of the filing yesterday of a Delaware class action brought by Uber shareholders against directors for approving the acquisition of a company formed by a defecting Google employee who is accused of downloading trade secrets … Continue reading
An expert panel convened this week by the National Association of Corporate Directors – New England identified current issues occupying compensation committees as they begin to engage on policies for the coming fiscal year. One surprise: tremendous attention to the … Continue reading