Diversity is a huge issue in constructing boards of directors, and never is it so focused as for reporting companies. Extant SEC disclosure rules contained in Regulation S-K already required disclosure of diversity information, to the extent consent from a … Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
Most public observers note the wealth gap in the United States. Liberal Democratic politicians for the past two years have suggested legislation to narrow it, and one theme is to prevent public corporations from buying back their own stock unless … Continue reading
A growing practice is for either a buyer or a seller of a company to insure the risk that there is a misstated warranty or representation in the acquisition documentation which triggers an obligation of the seller(s) to compensate the … Continue reading
The Civil Liberties Union is a non-partisan organization defending civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution and our laws. It’s political impact fairly can be said to be “liberal” as that phrase is understood in today’s politics. ACLU brings numerous suits, … Continue reading
What will be the major issues for public companies in the 2019 proxy season? An expert panel convened by the National Association of Corporate Directors – New England on January 15 suggested these: is your Board composition appropriately diverse, and … Continue reading
The current issue of a leading life settlements industry newsletter predicts that 2019 should be a good year to invest in life settlements because it is a growing recognized investment class; but also and frighteningly, because aging boomers will … Continue reading
I wanted to alert you to a great article written by my partner Dr. Vince Capuano about, well, patents, cannabis and bongs made out of apples. Please take a look, post your comments and join the ongoing conversation about the … Continue reading
Years ago (six? more?) Congress legislated that the SEC should design a mandatory disclosure comparing CEO comp to the median compensation of all entity employees. It took the SEC years to institute that disclosure requirement, during which time its bald … Continue reading
A week ago, I posted for the first time about virtual currency; today’s emails bring an analysis by Securities Law guru Jim Hamilton describing a new bi-partisan (is that still a word?) bill introduced in the House: the Token Taxonomy … Continue reading
The wires this week are all aflame with the news of passage of the new Farm Act, which was promptly signed by the President. The bill legalizes hemp, a plant with substantial industrial use which has been banned in the … Continue reading