The role of corporate boards, and hence of corporations they lead, in addressing America’s growing wealth gap was explored at length by an expert panel convened yesterday by the New England Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors. The … Continue reading
Category Archives: The Law
Is there anything new that Boards of Directors of companies, large and small, have not already heard? There has been two years of information bombardment: protect only high value assets as you cannot protect everything; what is our largest risk; … Continue reading
Today’s webinar presented by the National Association of Corporate Directors (jointly by National and the New England chapter) and moderated by Boston-area director Ellen Zane (former CEO of Tufts Medical Center) explored the coming face of US healthcare delivery post-COVID. … Continue reading
On December 1, NASDAQ asked the SEC to approve disclosure standards of Board diversity for listed companies. The proposals are not harsh and rest on the concept of disclosure and not requirements; interestingly, NASDAQ had attempted to have the SEC … Continue reading
This week, the SEC’s Director of Corporate Finance spoke to a professional meeting dealing with corporate governance and, at the end of some rambling remarks of self-praise for the Commission, fired a couple of warning shots across the bow of … Continue reading
In early October, I posted that the SEC had proposed break-through action to create guidance under which finders in securities financings could proceed safely, under Federal law, without registering as broker-dealers. A proposal decades in the making, the matter was … Continue reading
Our law firm keeps an index of litigation involving COVID. Today it is 306 pages long. I calculate that each business day since the start of the pandemic there are filed in the United States about 128 separate lawsuits. The … Continue reading
First time in the seven or so years of blogging I have posted on the same matter twice in one day but SEC commissioners have commented (expectedly) on the proposals and the Commission itself has issued a detailed press release. … Continue reading
Today the SEC is holding a hearing prior to the release of a proposed exemption permitting financial finders to raise money for small businesses without violating the Federal law which classifies such finders as unregistered broker dealers. Offer would be … Continue reading
How does a company maintain protection of trade secrets when its workforce is remote? It is hard enough when you are in the office; then, you can police the flow of paper, lock things in cabinets with sign-outs, keep all … Continue reading