Excuse this brief personal announcement: I have just published my seventh book, and my first novel. It is an adventure novel based on the release of a weaponized bio agent and it can be ordered through Amazon (best found by … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
This post is a recommendation to corporate directors and C-level executives to take a look at the magazine Directorship, which is available to members of the National Association of Corporate Directors. [Alert: I am a member of the New England Chapter … Continue reading
There has been a great increase in regular GAI coverage from usual press sources, as the press has identified the popular appetite for some of the foibles of GAI and also some of its likely short-term and long-term social and … Continue reading
Back from a European holiday and need to catch you up on a few things. Let me start with new regulations of SEC-registered advisers to private equity and hedge funds. In a now-familiar pattern for increased regulation (approval by a … Continue reading
The new movie Oppenheimer spends three hours tracking the rise and fall of the inventor of the A-bomb; no doubt you have heard of this opus, which is so good that it even comes close to the ratings of Barbie. What is most … Continue reading
This week the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission released draft guidelines relating to permissible mergers, that is mergers that they will not challenge and attempt to prevent. The guidelines are substantially different from, and materially less favorable … Continue reading
All the above are famous writers. The first two have copyright protection. Writers can copyright their works. What protection does a human writer have who claims protection against copying when a text is generated by GAI on instruction from that … Continue reading
AI has a significant role, and a growing role, in healthcare. AI can apply massive date to improve diagnosis, treatment program design, drug development and robotic surgery. Medical literature doubles every seven years, promising massive updated data to be processed … Continue reading
The obvious first issues that the SEC should be concerned about, as GAI advances, are that businesses do not lie about either their use of AI or how they protect themselves from being harmed by third party GAI. In fact, … Continue reading
The FDA has a Task Force with focus on companies subject to FDA regulation/clearances. It should be remembered that while the SEC regulates, and monitors disclosure by, public companies, much of what they do also covers private enterprises which raise … Continue reading