Russia surely is more complicated and multi-faceted than I expected. This blog post is an amalgam of some further observations of the students, of the town, and of the judicial system here. The students: I met with about 80 law … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
The students have asked for a couple of hours of my time out of class on Tuesday afternoon to discuss issues unrelated to the course work. I have been politely warned, or perhaps I should say alerted, to the fact … Continue reading
On Friday, I finished my first week of teaching. I am beginning to get the sense that I have gained traction with a reasonable number of students. We ended the week still deep in a discussion of the different entities … Continue reading
This post will discuss observations about the town, university, people and situations we have encountered. It is long and detailed but intends to provide the texture for our visit and other comments. Foremost, our visit is fascinating and educational in … Continue reading
I have just finished my third day of teaching; we have gone through the US legal system at the speed of light, covered contract law just as fast, and now have begun the heart of my teaching mission: business law. … Continue reading
This entry is in two parts. The first is for those who want to hear about my first efforts at teaching law here in Belgorod. The second part relates to the three day effort to establish computer contact through the … Continue reading
We are in Belgorod. We arrived in a light snow but Sunday and today, Monday, the weather was partly sunny and temperatures in the 40s. The few inches of snow on the ground are slowly melting. The first two days … Continue reading
There are 100 or so US lawyers and one Nigerian lawyer being trained here in Salzburg, Austria to teach law in former Soviet countries under the auspices of the Center for International Legal Studies. We will go into various countries, … Continue reading
A friend shared this blogsite with a few people and one of those, Tony Radbill, started a modest email exchange with me. Our discussion drifted to Siberia (I had hoped at one time to be able to teach there, just … Continue reading
Is it possible for government to decree an ideal business climate, or must that business climate be generated organically, by business itself, and with the least possible governmental interference? A penchant for strong liberal government “interference” is attractive; however, experience … Continue reading