If you are acquiring another business, or if someone is trying to buy your own company, what questions will be asked as part of acquirer due diligence? The list is a matter of common sense; although AI is complex and … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
The Federal Government requires virtually all businesses formed in the United States before this year-end, regardless of form of entity and regardless of line of enterprise, to register during 2024 and disclose all owners; if you form a new business … Continue reading
Today’s Boston Business Journal contains a fascinating article about a local company, Generate Biomedicines, now utilizing machine learning software to create “purpose-built proteins capable of performing any desired function” through protein sequencing. Although this stated result may prove over-broad, the … Continue reading
CEOs in the defense industry, hospitals and real estate identified the challenges before their businesses at a panel presentation today sponsored by National Association of Corporate Directors–New England. (Disclosure: I am on Advisory Board of, and Secretary to, NACD–New England). … Continue reading
This is the first, brief post based on this morning’s program at Boston’s Seaport Hotel sponsored by National Association of Corporate Directors–New England. (Disclosure: I am on the Advisory Board to, and Secretary of, NACD-New England). At the end of … Continue reading
The law relating to nonfungible tokens continues to limp along without clear guidance. In the past, the SEC has taken the general position that if you sell an NFT based on the express or implied promise of making a profit … Continue reading
I have previously posted about the issue of whether US copyright protection is available for art or text created by use of artificial intelligence. On August 18, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia denied copyright protection … Continue reading
In the face of Federal US failure to actually regulate AI, the states are beginning to act on their own. We have previously posted about the cautious pace of US Federal regulation of AI to limit risk and fraud, and … Continue reading
Excuse this brief personal announcement: I have just published my seventh book, and my first novel. It is an adventure novel based on the release of a weaponized bio agent and it can be ordered through Amazon (best found by … Continue reading
This post is a recommendation to corporate directors and C-level executives to take a look at the magazine Directorship, which is available to members of the National Association of Corporate Directors. [Alert: I am a member of the New England Chapter … Continue reading