Those who despair of our ability to inspire or fund start-ups could take a lesson from Israel’s Chief Scientist Office. Here is how the CSO does it: * Pre-seed, the CSO may fund 100% of costs. *Promising ideas are funded … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
The SEC may be behind schedule in promulgating regulations mandated by Federal Law, most notably relative to crowd funding under the JOBS Act, but it continues to discuss other possible initiatives to loosen regulation in an effort to spur the … Continue reading
According to Kevin Callahan, Managing Director of Berkshire Partners (which has a $4,500,000,000 Fund 8), the year 2013 will be complicated, but with many PE opportunities for the careful investor. Speaking before a Boston meeting of the Association for Corporate … Continue reading
During the week of January 7th, I attended what one client has described, with only slight hyperbole, as a vast “petting zoo.” This would be the JP Morgan Life Science Conference held early in January each year in San Francisco, … Continue reading
Lost in the economic turmoil concerning the fiscal cliff and the initial stock market rally occasioned by the compromise (notwithstanding prior assertions that this was “priced into the market already”), is the ongoing substantial litigation concerning Facebook’s May IPO. The … Continue reading
The drive to create a unified world-wide system for corporate accounting has stalled, perhaps permanently. In March, 2009, my article in New England In-House noted the SECs then-proposed road map leading to mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) … Continue reading
Why US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice was forced out of consideration for Secretary of State based on her conveying incorrect information given her by the administration about a matter that was trivial and highly politicized. Why people are … Continue reading
There are culpable officers and directors who are escaping the consequences of their own evil-doing, while their corporations (and thus implicitly their shareholders) pay large penalties to the SEC. Political pressure may or may not be involved, but the regulators … Continue reading
To hear the experts tell it, there is too much “dry powder” chasing too few truly worthy deals; private equity acquirors are duly warned. At the December 4th Boston meeting of the Association for Corporate Growth, panelists drilled down on whether … Continue reading
When New Orleans found itself under water a couple of years ago, the legal community jumped forward to fulfill its social obligations by providing help of all kinds to the distressed New Orleans community. Lawyers labored nobly and long to … Continue reading