Two pending cases in the United States Supreme Court, to be decided by the end of this June, involve issues of racial justice. One case challenges the affirmative action plan for admissions at the University of Texas. Many lawyers thought that … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
Between now and the end of the Supreme Court Term in late June, the Supreme Court will be deciding two cases involving gay marriage. One case is a challenge to California’s Proposition 8, and raises the question whether the United … Continue reading
How do you turn around a large company? According to Mohamad Ali, Chief Strategy Officer at Hewlett Packard, by first attacking costs and then strategically reinvesting the enhanced cash flow in profitable product initiatives. You also divest your extraneous parts, … Continue reading
Begelman is not an iconic name. Indeed, he is a Florida retiree. But he is illustrative of the fine tooth comb that now runs through the hair of our trading experience in public shares. The story is short and easy … Continue reading
It seems that the Rolling Stones will roll into Boston Garden this June. Balcony seats are far north of $400 each; floor seats are officially priced at $600 but if you go on line you will see single seats (not … Continue reading
ONE: It is 1959 and I am newly settled into the dormitory at Columbia College in New York City. I am sixteen and very excited. I go downstairs, cross Broadway to the smoke shop and ask for a pack of … Continue reading
According to a recent McKinsey survey of 1,600 corporate directors, only 20% said they fully understood the strategy of the company upon whose board they sat. Perhaps not surprising, as only 10% said they had a full understanding of the industry in … Continue reading
Yesterday the SEC issued guidance to public companies as to the use of social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) to make announcement of corporate news. The same ground-rules as apply to announcing news on a company website will be applied. Regulation … Continue reading
Three leading Boston-based venture capitalists told an audience at the monthly Association for Corporate Growth Breakfast yesterday that even though the number of venture capital funds are shrinking, there’s still too much money out in the market-place. Additionally, significant alternate … Continue reading
In prior posts, we have established the that there is substantial current dialogue about the role of certain intelligent machines; that these machines generally are viewed as falling into the categories of “drone” or “robot”; that, as society perceives the … Continue reading