Take a look at the last page of the WSJ section A today: a list of six principles of corporate governance as recommended by twelve corporate heavy hitters: Buffett, Immelt, Dimon, Larry Fink of Black Rock, etc. Although I confess to … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
The below interim report is from my Boston labor law partner Bronwyn Roberts: The Massachusetts noncompete and trade secret bill passed the House today 150-0. To become law, the bill still needs to pass the Senate and be signed by … Continue reading
There are 36 Blue Cross/Blue Shield groups in the country, some covering multiple States, but the Massachusetts group has decided to go it alone. As part of this independent effort, Blue Cross/Blue Shield has established a wholly-owned subsidiary, Zaffre Investments, … Continue reading
The Mass General Court (legislature) seems primed this session (about to expire) to pass and send to Baker a comprehensive law regulating non-comp agreements in Massachusetts. Many details are still open, and Baker has not signaled whether he would sign. … Continue reading
The Securities and Exchange Commission is utilizing enhanced tools to tighten its regulatory oversight, focusing fraud and corruption in particular, according to an expert panel presenting to the June 14th Boston breakfast meeting of the National Association of Corporate … Continue reading
Check out the recent article in the Harvard Business Review about what happens when your CEO lies about personal matters, has a sexual affair, makes questionable use of corporate funds, commits “objectionable” personal behavior, or offends customers or public groups. … Continue reading
There has been a lot of publicity about investments being funded out of China (in 2015, they totaled $118 billion dollars). But of equal interest is the opportunity for making acquisitions within China. Foreign investment into China in 2015 … Continue reading
Today’s business news may seem technical but it is very important from a corporate standpoint: the Delaware Chancery Court stuck its nose into Michael Dell’s management buyout of Dell stock and stuck buyers with millions of extra liability above and … Continue reading
To date, trade secret protection has fallen under State law. On May 11th, the President signed a bill establishing a parallel scheme of Federal trade secret enforcement, granting new tools for the protection of company proprietary information. Why should the … Continue reading
For several years, as noted in prior posts, Massachusetts has been toying with enactment of a law limiting permissible non-competition agreements for employees (other than those relating to the sale of a business). Yesterday the Mass House reported out of … Continue reading