When you are acquiring a company, what sort of steps should you take to limit cyber risk within your target? What do the big boys do? Lawyers always will insert warranties, representations and indemnities in acquisition agreements but, on the … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
Everyone knows that greater Boston is “what’s happening” in the science and business of life science and biotech. On September 20, 2018, the Boston Bar Association brought together lawyers and scientists in an effort to educate lawyers as to trends … Continue reading
Tariffs. Business Cycles. Immigration Policy. Infrastructure. Cost of Health Care. These are the issues that were on the minds of senior CEOs convened for a Boston breakfast meeting on September 20, 2018 by the National Association of Corporate Directors-New England … Continue reading
Herewith, the sad ending to the demise of a once-great lawfirm that cratered about five years ago, sticking creditors with large unpaid debt. Dewey & Lebouef, the result of a merger of two large firms with one tracing its roots … Continue reading
Last week SEC Chair Jay Clayton announced that the SEC has begun a study to completely revise the matrix of laws and rules that permit the sale of securities without filing a Federal prospectus. Characterizing the current system as a … Continue reading
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. — Proverbs 28:1 In the 2016 Massachusetts SJC decision of Commonwealth v Warren, the Court declared that running away from the police, without additional indications … Continue reading
Will the twains ever meet in the board-room? Sort of. Recent statistics cited by the Korn Ferry placement firm looked at boards of the S&P companies. Only twenty directors were in their thirties while a whopping 2,488 were in their … Continue reading
Why does most of my spam received on my blog come to me in Russian or Chinese? If sharks can bite a man standing on a sand bar, as happened in Truro on Cape Cod, why did they keep … Continue reading
The PCAOB is the board supervising accounting services to public entities. Its 2017 report on the quality of audits of 75 BDs is troubling. I must add that it is not clear that any of the errors noted caused any … Continue reading
You may have noted a flurry of posts in the last several days as I cleared my desk of interesting new matters that accumulated during the last few weeks, which I spent with family down on the Cape. Now that … Continue reading