There are reported to be 134 funds seeking to operate in the opportunity zone space, and about 80% of these are headed by people who have never run a fund before. There was critical analysis of these investments. Your money … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
Most cannabis investing began in Canada where companies are publicly listed. Everyone thinks that the United States will be a huge market in the near term with particular emphasis on places like Michigan, Massachusetts and California (with California hurt by … Continue reading
Set forth below are comments concerning the China gleaned from several different presentations. Some may seem to be, indeed some may be, either or both of counter-intuitive and somewhat contradictory. A few of these comments may be woven into other … Continue reading
At the Opal Family Office conference, a variety of alternate investments were discussed and sometimes pitched. It was interesting to see that no “hedge funds” presented, nor were any recommended. Herewith a checklist of alternatives discussed (without commentary as to … Continue reading
Several presenters at the OPAL conference discussed matters of alleged importance to the operation of family offices and multiple family offices. As with any enterprise, it is important to avoid cyber risk. In 2017, reportedly 28% of family offices were … Continue reading
Introduction: This post is the first of a series (presently of indeterminate length) based upon information obtained from the recently concluded Opal Conference of family offices held in Newport, Rhode Island. These posts will be denoted at the end of … Continue reading
A couple of weeks ago, a three-judge panel of the United States Circuit Court (for the non-lawyers: the highest Federal courts except for the Supreme Court) decided the case of SEC v Scoville, which in effect held that the SEC … Continue reading
Diversity is a huge issue in constructing boards of directors, and never is it so focused as for reporting companies. Extant SEC disclosure rules contained in Regulation S-K already required disclosure of diversity information, to the extent consent from a … Continue reading
Most public observers note the wealth gap in the United States. Liberal Democratic politicians for the past two years have suggested legislation to narrow it, and one theme is to prevent public corporations from buying back their own stock unless … Continue reading
A growing practice is for either a buyer or a seller of a company to insure the risk that there is a misstated warranty or representation in the acquisition documentation which triggers an obligation of the seller(s) to compensate the … Continue reading