On Monday of this week the SEC addressed its enforcement initiatives for the coming year. No major changes, but things to note: The Commission lacks staff to police all issues, including cyber issues. It expects all companies to have a … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
It used to be routine for law firms to file litigation against parties to M&A transactions, alleging among other things inadequate disclosure of material facts and unfair compensation to equity holders of the acquired party. Many of these suits were … Continue reading
Today the SEC announced an amendment, effective in about two months, of regulations that will allow all companies to “test the waters” for an IPO without risking violation of the Securities Act. The original regulation allowed emerging companies (as defined) … Continue reading
Last week I posted that eight States had sued the SEC over the allegedly weak content of the SEC Regulation BI that set fiduciary standards for registered investment advisers and something a bit less robust (and more confusing perhaps) for … Continue reading
Why does the Mass Transit Authority, that runs public transit, have a fleet of new vehicles with ID numbers that run into the 900s? Don’t these people believe in mass transit? Why are twenty or so of these cars parked … Continue reading
CEOs of some of Boston’s leading corporations (IDG, Hancock, Boston Scientific and State Street) were unanimous in agreeing that the major issue for management, and boards of directors, is establishing and maintaining the culture of the enterprise. At a Boston … Continue reading
Fascinating hearing Thursday at the SEC, a discussion of whether easing private capital formation as a matter of regulatory law had the consequence of unfairly excluding the “retail customer” from access to great investment deals. Trends: drop in IPOs, 2018 … Continue reading
Just one week ago I posted a link to my current article on SEC amendments to the regulations defining the duties of investment advisers and brokers to the investing public, and noted controversy about the alleged deficiencies in the treatment … Continue reading
I am back in action, and posting, following an August “on the road.” (Please hold your applause.) Summer reading and recent press indicates that the 2017 Jobs Act, which created tax advantages for investments in low income communities (“opportunities zones”) … Continue reading
The SEC this summer altered the legal obligations of brokers and investment advisers. If you invest, you should care about the groundrules that these professionals owe you. There is controversy as to whether you are now better or worse protected … Continue reading