Yesterday the SEC issued a massive release which, effective next July 1, substantially tightened reporting on how mutual funds and ETFs must disclose how they vote on proxy issues. Normally one might think this development is of interest only to … Continue reading
Stephen Honig
The immediately prior post lists survey results of major risks perceived by corporate CEOs and directors for this year. Below is the survey list for the next entire decade: Keeping up with digital technology changes. Succession and lack of available … Continue reading
This is the first of two blogs tracking risk requiring attention of corporate boards. This post tracks immediate risk perception, per consulting company Provititi (as distributed by National Association of Corporate Directors). In order of priority, here is what a … Continue reading
INFLATION. Then there’s inflation. Businesses are working out their hiring and staffing issues, supply chains are improving, M&A is flat but expected to revive. Lots of investment cash is on the sidelines looking for a place to rest (maximum yield … Continue reading
Previously reported in this space were a California statute requiring corporations to have specified numbers of female and minority directors, and a NASDAQ rule requiring covered companies to have at least one female and one minority board member or report … Continue reading
The SEC has issued final rules requiring reporting companies to explain their executive pay regime to shareholders; there are two tiers of disclosure, with greater detail sought from larger registered companies. Why does this not seem like “news”? Because twelve … Continue reading
It has been a couple of months since last post, during which time I enjoyed the summer, spent a month in Paris, and finally this week shipped my youngest off to college again. That final act is my cue to … Continue reading
The Senate Friday proposed a bill for the comprehensive regulation of crypto currency and for digital assets akin to securities. Regulation of crypto, which is classed as a commodity, will rest with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, while digital assets … Continue reading
It is not news that California’s laws reflect personal rights as seen through a liberal political lens. Thus a few years ago when California adopted an atypical law giving consumers the right to learn the nature of personal information collected … Continue reading
Who copped Fred Simian? Is it IP theft, copyright infringement, or plain old-fashioned larceny? Most of America’s lawyers want to know the answers, even though they do not represent any party to the seemingly nefarious affair. Okay– as Sargeant Joe … Continue reading