I’ve Been Thinking


Why does most of my spam received on my blog come to me in Russian or Chinese?

If sharks can bite a man standing on a sand bar, as happened  in Truro on Cape Cod, why did they keep the beaches open?

If the Beachcomber Bar in Wellfleet loses its parking lot under 5” of rain, what happens when the next hurricane arrives?

Why are coffee beans more expensive per pound than prime steak?

How can a plurality of any group of Americans believe that the government should have the power to close news outlets for “bad behavior” and 23% believe that the administration should close down CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times?  [Report by Daily Beast of Republican opinion poll]

With Brexit, Poland, Greece and Italy creating major problems, and Merkel under pressure, is the EU in danger of simply imploding in the near term?  [Non-hint: the other day a senior German lawyer from a large firm answered this question by telling me he did not know.]

With major sources documenting world-wide increase in burning forests as being caused by climate change, why do we permit construction deep in vulnerable forests? [recent issues: NY Times, Economist, Harpers]

And provide emergency financial assistance when they repeatedly burn?

If scientists now believe that ordinary matter makes up only 5% of the universe and perhaps another 25% is made up of recently discovered dark matter, what is the form of mass/energy making up the other 70% of everything?  Darker Matter?

If tariffs on Chinese goods are thought to be so effective, and if economic growth is fading in China and the government is managing a major credit crisis in the peer loan space, and if mega-cities have been overbuilt and some remain only sparsely populated, why is the Chinese economy projected to grow by 6.9% per year?

If you can multiply a number by zero, why do mathematicians tell us we cannot divide a number by 0?

And why is not 0 divided by 0 = 0?  Or, = 1?

Why does my wine merchant keep sending me write-up of wines that taste like fresh-cured leather or the forest floor?  I haven’t eaten either of those things in several years….

Why do I feel like the Red Sox (who won a ballgame last night in the bottom of the ninth inning only because the totally inept Miami team committed a throwing error) may echo the 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers, who blew their 13 1/2 game lead and went on to surrender their place in the World Series to the Giants on Bobby Thompson’s playoff game home run?



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